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Network of Targeted Academics

Across America, networks of misguided activists and politicians are targeting U.S. professors, academic institutions, and student bodies.   Protest a war, and lose your funding for software developmentCriticize U.S. Middle East foreign policy, and see federal grants stop flowing to the university.  Try to contribute to national policy making, and be edged out by the public relations department of D.C. based think tanks with vested interests to promote.  Write an op/ed piece for the local paper, and expect an interest group armed with lawyers, threats, and a de-funding strategy to visit the university president next Monday.

In the 1950's we called this McCarthyism.  In 2003 we still have no exact label for the organized stifling of academic debate, raiding and diversion of funding sources, and efforts to discredit and cut academia out of the debate of American interests.

Fortunately, the Network of Targeted Academics has arrived to place professors and specialists back where they belong: as vital contributors to U.S. policy making and debate.  Journalists and policy makers who seek guidance from Network of Targeted Academics (NTA) member organizations, know that they can access and rely on the research and policy recommendations from that source.  Under most circumstances, they can interview and obtain sources and quotes.  Though they may never be able to quote who the academic was by name, they'll be able to confide in their story source's specialty research field, university classification, and types of publications as references.  In articles relying on professors and other academics, the term, "specialist sources at top tier universities" will grow.

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